Buttermilk Chocolate Bread
1/2 cup butter (112.5 gr)
1 cup white sugar (200 gr)
2 eggs
1 cup buttermilk
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour (218.75 gr)
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (45 gr)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup chocolate chips
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Rosemary Lemon No-Knead Bread
Next time i'll try this recipe : here and here and this
the essence
hokkaido milky bread
how to shape
milk bread
Next time i'll try this recipe : here and here and this
the essence
hokkaido milky bread
how to shape
milk bread
Ultimate Cinnamon Roll
Ingredients :
1-1/2 packages (about 3-1/4 teaspoons) dry yeast
1/4 cup warm water
1/2 cup shortening
1/3 cup sugar
1-1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
1 egg
4 to 5 cups sifted flour
melted butter
brown sugar
raisins (optional)
Vanilla Frosting
2 cups powdered sugar
1 tablespoon butter, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla
milk or cream (2 to 4 tablespoons)
Add the warm water to the yeast and soak 10 minutes.
Scald milk; pour over the shortening. Add sugar and salt and cool to tepid. Add the dissolved yeast and beaten egg. Add 4 cups flour adding one at a time beating after each addition.
Dough should be soft yet firm enough to handle. Knead on floured board until elastic and smooth. Avoid too much flour. Turn dough into well oiled bowl. Let rise for 1-1/2 hours.
Press dough down and divide into workable size. Roll dough out into a rectangle. Cover with melted butter. Layer with a generous thick layer* of brown sugar. Sprinkle on cinnamon* as desired. If you like raisins, layer on a layer of raisins. Roll up jellyroll fashion.
Using a scissors or a piece of string, cut off slices about 1 to 1-1/2 inches thick. Place slices in an 8 or 9 inch round greased cake pan. Place one slice in the middle and other slices around it. Press rolls down to even out and fill pan. Let rise until rolls fill the pan generously...about another hour.
Bake in a 350 degree F oven about 15 - 20 minutes. If rolls get too brown, cover with a piece of tine foil until the end of baking. Do not over bake rolls.
Remove immediately from pan by inverting onto a plate and then tip over onto another plate to right the rolls.
For the Frosting:
In a medium bowl, place sugar, butter and vanilla. Then stir in enough milk or cream to reach a thick, hardly-able to stir consistency.
Spread over warm rolls as soon as they are placed on a plate to let the frosting melt and run into the rolls.
Ingredients :
1-1/2 packages (about 3-1/4 teaspoons) dry yeast
1/4 cup warm water
1/2 cup shortening
1/3 cup sugar
1-1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
1 egg
4 to 5 cups sifted flour
melted butter
brown sugar
raisins (optional)
Vanilla Frosting
2 cups powdered sugar
1 tablespoon butter, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla
milk or cream (2 to 4 tablespoons)
Add the warm water to the yeast and soak 10 minutes.
Scald milk; pour over the shortening. Add sugar and salt and cool to tepid. Add the dissolved yeast and beaten egg. Add 4 cups flour adding one at a time beating after each addition.
Dough should be soft yet firm enough to handle. Knead on floured board until elastic and smooth. Avoid too much flour. Turn dough into well oiled bowl. Let rise for 1-1/2 hours.
Press dough down and divide into workable size. Roll dough out into a rectangle. Cover with melted butter. Layer with a generous thick layer* of brown sugar. Sprinkle on cinnamon* as desired. If you like raisins, layer on a layer of raisins. Roll up jellyroll fashion.
Using a scissors or a piece of string, cut off slices about 1 to 1-1/2 inches thick. Place slices in an 8 or 9 inch round greased cake pan. Place one slice in the middle and other slices around it. Press rolls down to even out and fill pan. Let rise until rolls fill the pan generously...about another hour.
Bake in a 350 degree F oven about 15 - 20 minutes. If rolls get too brown, cover with a piece of tine foil until the end of baking. Do not over bake rolls.
Remove immediately from pan by inverting onto a plate and then tip over onto another plate to right the rolls.
For the Frosting:
In a medium bowl, place sugar, butter and vanilla. Then stir in enough milk or cream to reach a thick, hardly-able to stir consistency.
Spread over warm rolls as soon as they are placed on a plate to let the frosting melt and run into the rolls.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Macaroni Schotel
- 250gr macaroni
- keju kraft (menurut selera), parut. Sisihkan untuk taburan.
- 1 butir telur
- 250 ml susu ultra plain
- 1 kaleng kecil korned beef Pronas
- blue band margarine untuk mengoles
- 1 bks cream soup Royco rasa ayam (terserah sih kalo soal rasa menurut selera aja)
- 1 sdt garam
- 1 sdt merica
1. Rebus macaroni sampai matang sisihkan.
2. Campur susu, korned, keju parut, garam, merica, cream soup, telur. Aduk rata. Kalo gue sih pake mixer biar cepet soalnya korned-nya menggumpal euy. Kalo mo pake mixer pake yang kecepatan paling kecil dan bentar aja asal udah lumer korned-nya.
3. Masukkan macaroni rebus tadi. Tunggu dingin yah karena kalo panas nanti telornya mateng (ini juga menurut mpox asri loh, g sih lom pernah nyemplungin macaroni panas ke dalam kocokan telur ini.. wong ini pertama kalinya g bikin macaroni schotel huehehe).
4. Oles loyang dengan margarine sampai semua permukaannya tertutup.
5. Tuangkan adonan tadi ke dalam loyang, taburi sisa keju parut di atasnya.
6. Bakar pada suhu +/- 180 derajat selama 20 menit.
7. Hidangkan panas, lebih lezat kalo ditambah saus sambal.
- 250gr macaroni
- keju kraft (menurut selera), parut. Sisihkan untuk taburan.
- 1 butir telur
- 250 ml susu ultra plain
- 1 kaleng kecil korned beef Pronas
- blue band margarine untuk mengoles
- 1 bks cream soup Royco rasa ayam (terserah sih kalo soal rasa menurut selera aja)
- 1 sdt garam
- 1 sdt merica
1. Rebus macaroni sampai matang sisihkan.
2. Campur susu, korned, keju parut, garam, merica, cream soup, telur. Aduk rata. Kalo gue sih pake mixer biar cepet soalnya korned-nya menggumpal euy. Kalo mo pake mixer pake yang kecepatan paling kecil dan bentar aja asal udah lumer korned-nya.
3. Masukkan macaroni rebus tadi. Tunggu dingin yah karena kalo panas nanti telornya mateng (ini juga menurut mpox asri loh, g sih lom pernah nyemplungin macaroni panas ke dalam kocokan telur ini.. wong ini pertama kalinya g bikin macaroni schotel huehehe).
4. Oles loyang dengan margarine sampai semua permukaannya tertutup.
5. Tuangkan adonan tadi ke dalam loyang, taburi sisa keju parut di atasnya.
6. Bakar pada suhu +/- 180 derajat selama 20 menit.
7. Hidangkan panas, lebih lezat kalo ditambah saus sambal.
Source : verapermata
Roti Maryam, Bakwan Bihun
Recipe used :
500 gr tepung terigu protein tinggi
150 ml air hangat, bisa lebih atau kurang sesuai kondisi adonan
2 butir telur + 2 kuning telur
1.5 sdt garam atau secukupnya
Margarin secukupnya, lelehkan
Minyak sayur secukupnya
Letakkan tepung di baskom, buat lubang di tengahnya.
Telur dan garam dikocok lepas, tuang ke tengah lubang, uleni sambil diremas hingga berbutir.
Tuangi air hangat dikit2 sambil terus diuleni hingga kalis.
Tutup dengan selembar plastik dan diamkan selama 3 jam.
Bagi adonan menjadi 16-20 bagian.
Siapkan meja atau loyang lebar, olesi minyak tipis2.
Ambil satu bagian adonan, tipiskan di meja/loyang sambil diratakan ke segala arah hingga tipis transparan seperti bikin kulit martabak telur.
Oles permukaannya dengan mentega leleh, pilin dari satu sisi dan gulung menjadi satu utas gulungan panjang.

Kerjakan sampai habis dan semua menjadi gulungan panjang.
Ambil satu utas, pegang masing2 ujungnya. Ujung kanan digulung ke atas, ujung kiri digulung ke bawah sehingga kedua gulungan bertemu di tengah.
Belit sehingga kedua gulungan bertumpuk jadi satu, atas dan bawah.
Lakukan pada semua bagian yang lain sehingga semua menjadi tumpukan gulungan.
Ambil satu tumpukan gulungan, pipihkan menjadi lingkaran setebal 0.2cm. Kerjakan sampai habis.
Siapin teflon, oles dengan minyak sayur, panggang tiap lembar pratha dengan api medium sambil dibolak-balik hingga matang dan kecoklatan.
Tumpuk 3 lembar pratha yang baru digoreng, berdirikan posisi vertikal, geprak dengan punggung sutil. Sajikan segera.
Gepraknya jangan terlalu napsu sampe babak belur ya... asal flaky ajah. Gambar yang babak belur diatas adalah pratha yang uda disobek2, teksturnya cakeb kan...
Kalo suka bisa ditambah keju parut di tahap menipiskan adonan, dijamin guriihhhh, jadi cheese pratha. Pake parmesan ato cheddar terserah.
Source : mylianov
Method used :
Biasanya disajikan dengan kari (ayam, kambing mopun sapi). Tapi dimakan kosongan gituh juga enak kok buwat cemilan, ato dimakan ama madu. Dipakein keju juga pasti enaaakkkk… Ini resep yang kudapet dari tante, sedikit kumodif biar lebih lembut tapi ga eneg. Stepnya banyak tapi gak rumit kok, asal tlaten ajah dan siapapun pasti bisa, ga perlu keahlian khusus. Cobain yaaa….. !

Recipe by: Tante Asih
Modified and Photo by: Lia, Dapurgue
Recipe by: Tante Asih
Modified and Photo by: Lia, Dapurgue
500 gr tepung terigu protein tinggi
150 ml air hangat, bisa lebih atau kurang sesuai kondisi adonan
2 butir telur + 2 kuning telur
1.5 sdt garam atau secukupnya
Margarin secukupnya, lelehkan
Minyak sayur secukupnya
Letakkan tepung di baskom, buat lubang di tengahnya.
Telur dan garam dikocok lepas, tuang ke tengah lubang, uleni sambil diremas hingga berbutir.
Tuangi air hangat dikit2 sambil terus diuleni hingga kalis.
Tutup dengan selembar plastik dan diamkan selama 3 jam.
Bagi adonan menjadi 16-20 bagian.
Siapkan meja atau loyang lebar, olesi minyak tipis2.
Ambil satu bagian adonan, tipiskan di meja/loyang sambil diratakan ke segala arah hingga tipis transparan seperti bikin kulit martabak telur.
Oles permukaannya dengan mentega leleh, pilin dari satu sisi dan gulung menjadi satu utas gulungan panjang.
Kerjakan sampai habis dan semua menjadi gulungan panjang.
Ambil satu utas, pegang masing2 ujungnya. Ujung kanan digulung ke atas, ujung kiri digulung ke bawah sehingga kedua gulungan bertemu di tengah.
Belit sehingga kedua gulungan bertumpuk jadi satu, atas dan bawah.
Lakukan pada semua bagian yang lain sehingga semua menjadi tumpukan gulungan.
Ambil satu tumpukan gulungan, pipihkan menjadi lingkaran setebal 0.2cm. Kerjakan sampai habis.
Siapin teflon, oles dengan minyak sayur, panggang tiap lembar pratha dengan api medium sambil dibolak-balik hingga matang dan kecoklatan.
Tumpuk 3 lembar pratha yang baru digoreng, berdirikan posisi vertikal, geprak dengan punggung sutil. Sajikan segera.
Gepraknya jangan terlalu napsu sampe babak belur ya... asal flaky ajah. Gambar yang babak belur diatas adalah pratha yang uda disobek2, teksturnya cakeb kan...
Kalo suka bisa ditambah keju parut di tahap menipiskan adonan, dijamin guriihhhh, jadi cheese pratha. Pake parmesan ato cheddar terserah.
Method used :
Chicken Adobo
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Chocolate Chip Cookies
i'll make these babies as a celebration when i finished exam, and i'll give them out to my friends :D, i wont use full recipe though, coz i'm happy with just tasting each of them :)
best chocolate chip cookies
big fat choc chip cookies
and mexican choc chip cookies
say.. that it's a belated halloween treat ;)
best chocolate chip cookies
big fat choc chip cookies
and mexican choc chip cookies
say.. that it's a belated halloween treat ;)
Custard Biscuit
i have a box of custard powder that i bought from ALDI (bought because the packaging looks delish =_=)
so, i did not know what to do with that, i thought if i make it into custard for pudding, that would be too normal :(. i resort to mr.google to find a recipe about custard powder, and WOW, i was absolutely amazed that you actually make yO-Yo biscuit, or what we usually call in Aussie as ...... from custard powder. My cousin always says how bloody good the taste is, but i never bought one, they look bloody thick, like 1 cookies can already send me to calorie overload =.=
but, i didn't have caster sugar on hand, so, i decided to make other type of cookies,
and i found CUSTARD COOKIES recipe :)
i was running out of time and wanted to sleep, so i make the quick recipe as published in forksbootssandapalette
i ended up with 3 dozen, using half recipe (coz everyone in my house is not a fan of cookies)... maybe my size was significantly small compared to the original recipe?. It tasted a bit like baby cookies, but only a hint, baby cookies is so much more custard-y :). i have upped the custard by a tablespoon though and add heaps of vanilla, but it did not end up that tasty for me
the appearance , though , pleases me so much :D. The cookies turned out to be very crispy, and it looks yellow !! so cute !! ^^, like the cookies you see on the display of bakery ^^. i am so proud of the appearance :p
i always bake cookies, but ever cookies that i bake always look a bit brown-ish :(
i suppose the formula is to bake it long time in low temperature :D, when i tried to make it chewy, i could not, coz when i under baked it a bit, it turns out cakey, so, i think it HAS TO BE CRISPY
(i love my current oven btw, it never fails me ^^)
conclusion : i won't try the recipe anymore, i have succeeded, and ended up with so much cookies, i do LOVE LOVE the end result, i want more custard-y cookies though ;)
next time i'll try this recipe : custard powder cookies with white chocolate
and custard kisses
so, i did not know what to do with that, i thought if i make it into custard for pudding, that would be too normal :(. i resort to mr.google to find a recipe about custard powder, and WOW, i was absolutely amazed that you actually make yO-Yo biscuit, or what we usually call in Aussie as ...... from custard powder. My cousin always says how bloody good the taste is, but i never bought one, they look bloody thick, like 1 cookies can already send me to calorie overload =.=
but, i didn't have caster sugar on hand, so, i decided to make other type of cookies,
and i found CUSTARD COOKIES recipe :)
i was running out of time and wanted to sleep, so i make the quick recipe as published in forksbootssandapalette
i ended up with 3 dozen, using half recipe (coz everyone in my house is not a fan of cookies)... maybe my size was significantly small compared to the original recipe?. It tasted a bit like baby cookies, but only a hint, baby cookies is so much more custard-y :). i have upped the custard by a tablespoon though and add heaps of vanilla, but it did not end up that tasty for me
the appearance , though , pleases me so much :D. The cookies turned out to be very crispy, and it looks yellow !! so cute !! ^^, like the cookies you see on the display of bakery ^^. i am so proud of the appearance :p
i always bake cookies, but ever cookies that i bake always look a bit brown-ish :(
i suppose the formula is to bake it long time in low temperature :D, when i tried to make it chewy, i could not, coz when i under baked it a bit, it turns out cakey, so, i think it HAS TO BE CRISPY
(i love my current oven btw, it never fails me ^^)
conclusion : i won't try the recipe anymore, i have succeeded, and ended up with so much cookies, i do LOVE LOVE the end result, i want more custard-y cookies though ;)
next time i'll try this recipe : custard powder cookies with white chocolate
and custard kisses
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
good choc brownies i used before
triple choc cookies :D
pisang goreng wijen
good choc brownies i used before
triple choc cookies :D
pisang goreng wijen
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