result : bf was full, happy, sister was jealous, friend was tempted
i had raw porterhouse in my fridge, thinking thinking.. what should i make?well, the day before yesterday i have made a simple porterhouse steak with salt and pepper
now, i need some more challenge
especially i am in a mission to find out how to cook porterhouse
....without turning it into rubber :(...
last time i experiment the porterhouse using marinating sauce, i cooked in 2 batch
1st batch : turned into beef jerky, damn dry
2nd batch : it was yuum, but then :/.. still not as soft as the beef cooked by my maid x(
well, porterhouse oh porterhouse....
when you are overcooked you are damn strong like a horse :/
So i looked for recipe from my country, Indonesia
as i can remember, my maid never fail to make edible dishes using beef
accidentally i found a food-porn picture of 'Selat Solo'
i have never tried this dish before, but it definitely different to beef steak of indonesiaafter some research and some people describe their mad-in-love for the dishes
i was SOLD
However, the recipes available in the web is different from one to another...,
i was confuseeed =____=
some recipe has Selat Solo made as a soup thing (which i am sure an epic misleading), mostly have salad to go with it.. and the one published in the magazine simply has only simple steamed veggies with homemade mayonnaise
so, i decided to do combine all the best from each recipe,
i used different recipe for the marinating sauce, the sauce, and instead of having salad for this dishes, i made mayonnaise as one of the recipe suggested
so, for the meat, i use this recipe from Keluarga Nugraha
Keluarga Nugraha is one reputable website, and once i tried their recipe, pretty good, so, why not having it again :D
for the sauce :
i combine the method from keluarga Nugraha only that i didn't add anymore spices as i used the oil previously used to cook the meat and of course i didn't have the courage to mix it with milk, my bf who will eat the dish said that the combination is just.. weird
recipe for the sauce and mayonnaise from Diary Narashelley
i make the half of the recipe for the mayonnaise and i can say that I LOVE IT :)
after marinating the meat for more than 1 hour (put in the fridge and i fell asleep)
all the flavors absorbed and the meat wasn't tough :D
maybe because i used vinegar?
aah~ nothing makes my day better than a successful cooking and surprises :D
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