>>paling worth the technique
Friday, May 13, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Homemade Aluminium Lontong
Ambil segenggam, kepal2 sambil dibentuk lonjong spt lontong.
Bila suka olesi dg sedikit esen pandan yg sdh dicairkan dg air. Kemudian gulung menggunakan alumunium foil.
Rebus kembali gulungan lontong tadi kurleb 15-20 menit. Tunggu dingin, baru dipotong2. Lontong Alu cantik jg kan...
Source :
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Cream cheese fettucini + smoked pork belly
1 chicken breast fillet, diced
smoked pork belly, sliced
1 capsicum, diced
1 cup green peas
3 portion fettucini, cooked and strained
1 onion, sliced
dried parsley for garnish
cream cheese
chicken powder
How to make :
1. prepare the fettucini according to the package, rinse and drain aside
2. put a small amount of butter in the frying pan, fry the onion slices with smoked pork belly slices till they turn fragrant
3. throw the chicken into the pan and fry together with half of the diced capsicum
4. pour some milk, chicken stock, and cream cheese, and green peas into the mixture
5. let it boil
6. check the taste
7. if the taste is good enough, put the fettucini in, and mix until the sauce thickened
8. garnish with dried parsley
9. Serve.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Found a copy of a recipe book which i copied from my junior high school library
(copyright is not really an issue in my country)
so, here it is,
(copyright is not really an issue in my country)
so, here it is,
Pineapple Salad
Bahan I :
1 buah nanas
1/2 potong dada ayam, rebus, potong persegi kecil
1 buah apel, kupas, potong persegi kecil
100 gr keju, potong persegi kecil
Bahan II :
400 cc susu cair
1 sdm tepung terigu, larutkan dengan sedikit air
1 sdm mentega
2 kuning telur, kocok dengan 1 sdm gula halus sampai putih
2 sdm air jeruk nipis
1/2 sdt mustard
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
2 sdm gula halus, diayak
garam secukupnya
Cara membuat :
1. nenas dibelah dua, jangan potong bagian yang berdaun (untuk wadahnya). Kerok daging buahnya
2. Potong persegi kecil daging kerokan nanas dan daging nanas yang dipotong tadi. Campur potongan dengan buah apel, ayam rebus, dan keju, dinginkan.
3. untuk saus : didihkan susu cair, kentalkan dengan larutan tepung sambil aduk sampai menjadi adonan bubur, sampai matang. tambahkan mentega, mustard, merica, gula, garam, aduk rata. tambahkan juga kuning telur yang sudah dikocok, aduk cepat sampai tercampur rata, matikan api.
Waktu sudah dingin, tambahkan air jeruk nipis, aduk
4. Hidangkan dengan menyiramkan saus pada campuran selada
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